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Showing posts from 2024

Blazique demo implementation of Conduit, from RealWorld

In the previous post, I announced Blazique, the MVU library for Blazor. An implementation of Conduit, the "mother of all demo applications", is in the works, and pretty far along at  Blazique/Conduit: RealWorld sample app Conduit implementation using Blazique (  ...  Conduit is an initiative from RealWorld to provide an exemplary real-world application to show the capabilities of libraries and frameworks. At the time of writing, more than 150 implementations are using a multitude of (combinations of) backend and frontend technology stacks. Check it out on  Welcome on RealWorld | RealWorld (  and  gothinkster/realworld: "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more ( .

Blazique, MVU for Blazor

A short announcement. The MVU library presented in the blog post below has been released under a new name, Blazique. This way one does not have to buy in to the whole, opinionated, Radix library. The repo can be found at and is also published on NuGet under that name.  Happy coding....